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Arizona Assassinations January 8, 2011

Filed under: Ramblings — jerzygirl45 @ 10:52 pm
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Today’s events in Arizona are tragic but not unexpected. When you have people such as “Mama Grizzly” Sarah Palin saying “Don’t Retreat, Instead – RELOAD!”
and posting a map with targets on it and pundits like Glenn Beck and the hate-mongering contingent at Fox News spinning lies, half-truths, and incomplete information into media ratings gold for an already frustrated, ramped-up, pig-headed, one-sided, dark-hearted, partially insane, rabidly sheepish audience what else could possibly be the outcome?


I don’t think Palin, Beck or the Faux News Players actually want anyone to be assassinated (at least I hope not) but when you know (or should know) a large number of your followers live in a constant state of mouth-frothing rage and are, probably, armed you have to know that your words can make it worse.


You routinely vomit divisive, hateful, disgusting rhetoric and then when the shit hits fan you come out with your “heartfelf” condolences, but try to erase all evidence of your original words and incitements.


Yes , the person that pulled the trigger is the one responsible, but Sarah, Glenn, and the rest of them are not innocent bystanders. You helped to foster this climate, you spewed the garbage, you encouraged the extremism that led to the violence and loss of life. You are culpable and there is no way you can deny it. Although you’re already beginning to dance away as fast as you can. It’s sickening and deceitful.





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